Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Possiblity of Reaching Bax’s Normilasation in our national context: Why is it possible?When is it possible/reached/achieved?How will it be reached?

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalization' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"

In the article of Stephan Bax we found that he discussed the development of the CALL through the past, present and future. Also, we found the three phases of CALL (Computer Assisted Learning Language) which divided previously by Mark Warschauer.

These phases are Behavioristic (consisted of drill-and-practice materials in which the computer presented a stimulus and the learner provided a response), communicative (is based on the communicative approach where the focus is on using the language rather than analysis of the language), and integrative (starting from the 1990s, tried to address criticisms of the communicative approach by integrating the teaching of language skills into tasks or projects to provide direction and coherence. It also coincided with the development of multimedia technology (providing text, graphics, sound and animation) as well as Computer-mediated communication (CMC)).
These phases were the basic points that Bax used in his argument to answer the three main questions which are; where has CALL been?, where is CALL now? And where is CALL going? And he explain the goal of CALL through his theory of normalization which means any kind of technological innovation and refers to the stage when the technology becomes invisible, hardly even recognized as a technology, taken for granted in everyday life.

Bax suggested we will achieve normalization when computers are used every day in our classrooms of learning language by students and teachers. He also suggested that to achieve normalization we have to identify what are the criteria we need to reach normalization. Second step is to evaluate what each teaching context need for its practices according to the criteria we'd identify in the first step. The last step is to try our best to adjust what we use now in teaching so we encourage normalization.

In Saudi Arabia most of the schools and universities follow the traditional way of teaching, but nowadays with all these development, many schools and universities improved their educational system, they started to use computers, smart boards and projectors in the classroom. To achieve normalization in Saudi Arabia, we need to educate the students and parents about technology and how useful it can be in classrooms or anywhere else. Also, teachers need to be encourage and motivated to use it, and above of all, to believe in its benefits. It is not difficult to achieve normalization in Saudi Arabia; we just need time, knowledge and changes in our educational system.


  1. To achieve normalization in Saudi Arabia, we need to educate the student and parents about technology and how useful it can be in classrooms or anywhere else. Also, teachers need to be encourage and motivated to use it, and above of all, to believe in its benefits.This is a really good points and I agree with you.

  2. Totally agree with you.
    Love the pictures you added at the end, they summarize the ideas.

  3. hi nana

    love your idaes and I strongly agree with you.
    nice ending by the wae!

  4. Hi Hanoo :)
    I Agree with you , really we need some changes in educational system to reach normalization.
    I like your pictures also :)
